Buying a Mac
Posted by Azam Mohammed
When people go out to buy a Mac product, they might be held back by the price of the products. But here is one thing I would do before buying a Mac product from any store. Firstly make sure to check the Apple refurbished site. This is a store which sells refurbished Apple products online. But the good part is Apple replaces all the exterior so the products look scratch free and the only difference is they come in a different box. Now you may worry about the fact that since it's a refurbished it only comes with a very limited 90 day warranty. Well at Apple, refurbished products also have a 1 year warranty just like when you buy a new Apple product! So buying a refurbished Mac is a win- win situation. There are some people though who just don't feel comfortable buying a refurbished Mac and that is perfectly fine, it happens. There is a site called MacMall and this site is an authorized Mac reseller and they sale Mac products below prices which Apple sells at plus they throw in extra software and a printer! This is excellent for Mac buyers. Here is another trick when buying products. If you check out Bing Cashback, it shows you that if you buy from certain amount of companies on the internet you could save up to 10%! So that is even better and on their list of stores they also include MacMall and according to Bing if you use Bing Cashback to shop at MacMall you save an additional 3% which may not sound like much but in the end you make a pretty good amount of savings. Ebay is also a huge seller of products around the world and people constantly post items and if you would like to use Bing Cashback for that it is also on the list and you save 8%! Don't forget Apple also offers a discount to students purchasing a Mac! So overall looking at all these ways to save, you won't have to give away your whole wallet for a Mac after all!
To check out Bing Cashback and the stores included click the link below:
To check out MacMall click the link below: