Lots of news coming in these days and the rumour about the Macbook Pro's having the new Intel Processors was true! This is only available to the 15 inch and 17 inch Macbook Pro's starting at $1799 with a 2.4ghz Intel Core i5 processor to $2199 with an Intel Core i7 processor at 2.66ghz. The 17 inch Macbook Pro also features an i5 Processor starting at $2299 and an i7 for $2499. Well we were expecting this news sooner or later. So, I would say if people were looking to purchase a Macbook Pro, now would be the prefect time!  The 13 inch Macbook Pro still remains with an Intel Core 2 Duo Processor. Everyone can now expect more snappier and speedier performance in the new Macbook Pro's.

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