iOS 4.2 released
Posted by Azam Mohammed
Many iPad users will be excited because of the fact, they will finally receive multitasking, along with the other slew of features which the other iPod lineup have already received. The 4.2 gold release for developers was released around mid November and now it is officially released for the iPod touch, iPhone and iPad. The 4.2 release features Airprint, which is a new feature that allows for wireless printing directly from your iOS device, but for this to be possible, your printer must also be wireless. On the other hand Airplay was also released and this allows for streaming music, movies, videos directly from your iOS device onto your Apple TV. Now making the Apple TV much more functional and usable. The previous feature that was available to mobile me users, known as Find my lost device. Is now available for free, for all iPhone 4's, iPad's, and the 4th generation iPod Touch. This will be enabled after the update. There are also small bits of new features as well. Such as the fact, notes application has the ability to change fonts, the ability to rent movies from the iTunes store and replying to events on your calendar.