iPad 2 Draws Huge Crowds
Posted by Azam Mohammed
It's not a surprise, today was going to be a busy day, for Apple! The iPad 2 release yet again proved to be another success. Huge lineups were formed outside Apple stores before the 5pm launch. Some arriving as early as 6am! SXSW Apple store in Texas had huge crowds, but it was said the Apple store in New York, had nearly 700 people waiting in line! Many people take this opportunity to pick up some cash as well by standing far ahead in line at early hours, hoping that some people might want to take their spot.
At the end of the day, Apple stores were all sold out of iPad 2's and in fact some others got models they weren't planning to buy. But since those were the only ones available they decided to go for it. The huge lineup's could be due to the fact Apple hadn't offer any form of pre-ordering online. Unlike Verizon which did offer online pre-orders with the iPhone 4, making lineups pretty short.
All in all, a day Apple won't forget and I am sure, this day will be unforgettable for others as well. By this I mean the major disaster in Japan! Hopefully everyone makes a recovery in Japan soon enough, my prayers go out to them.
Until the next post, good luck to everyone! And we hope everything starts getting better in Japan!