The iPad is finally released and the consumers finally got a taste of, how the iPad actually is and to be honest I actually seem to like it more with the more capabilities and so does everyone else. Apple really set this one apart, making it look as if it's just a bigger iPod Touch but when you actually try it, it seems way more than just that! The iPad was a huge success despite some negative reviews before it began selling. According to Cnet and Apple, 300,000 iPad's were sold on the first day, and more than 1 million app downloads as well as 250,000 downloads from the iBooks store. Just goes to show people are interested in reading. Though the prices in the iBooks store range from around $5.99 to around $19.99 there are always previews with a chapter for free and that is a great thing, just like the Kindle. The iPad will simply blow away the Kindle DX because it just costs $10 more but offers much more capabilities, than just reading! Some people are expecting nearly 1 million iPad sales near the end of the week but if this continues just like the first day then it could be even sooner than that. Most people say the iPad is a great product and so far after the release there hasn't been any negative reviews, which is a good thing for Apple.

Overall you could see Apple hit the bank again with the iPad, lots of credit also goes to the way they market their products. Only the Wifi model was released on April 3rd, expect the 3G models to come near the end of April and the iPad release will come internationally at the end of April as well. That's the story for today, on the iPad! We hope you enjoyed today's post and keep it here only at 1-Mac for future news and updates.

Photo by: Stephen Trupp/ 2010 4/3/10 Apple Fans crowd an Apple Store in SoH
A look at the huge amount of people who are at the Apple store purchasing an iPad.